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OPI Information

OPI Renewal Units


The MHSA has been approved as an OPI Renewal Unit Provider. All NFHS courses will be allowed for currently employed and licensed educators. 


The following courses will be given renewal units:

NFHS Concussion in Sport                    = 1 

MHSA Falls Rules Clinic                        = 1 

MHSA Winter Rules Clinic                     = 1 

MHSA Spring Rules Clinic                     = 1 

 Rules Clinics include following: Officials, coaches, and administrators 

New Administrator Clinic                       = 2 

Fundamentals of Coaching                   = 10 

Eligibility and Equity                              = 1 

Sportsmanship                                      = 1 

NFHS Music Adjudicating Clinic            = 3

NFHS Understanding Compliance        = 3

Montana Eligibility and Equity Clinic     = 3


Additional information may be found at the MHSA website at For all questions contact Amy Bartels at


OPI Renewal Units – OPI website

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