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Registration Information

                   2024-2025 MOA Registration Information

MOA Sport Fees 

                      $ 75.00 Registration Fee One Sport
                        $ 30.00 Each Additional Sport Fee 
                        $ 20.00 Reciprocity Fee (paid directly though the MOA office)
High School Student 
                       $ 32.50 High School Student  (must be currently enrolled in high school)         

New Officials Information 

MOA Registration Information and Instructions- 

     Click the Prospective Officials Link for instruction on how to register for all MOA sports. 

NFHS Center of Officials-Dragonfly Registration

Register at

  Register at


May 1, 2024 – Registration Open – All Sports

July 1, 2024, or after

- Renewed officials will receive a $25 late fee and will be required to retest with the score equivalent to the officials rating.

- New officials or eligible reinstating officials do not have requirement deadlines but  are required to follow MOA rules and regulations when officiating at all levels.

- All requirements must be completed to officiate as a MOA.           

- Late pay officials at any level will not be allowed to upgrade in any sport for the 2024-25 year.

Only MOA officials in good standing may officiate at the varsity level.

- Renewed officials must complete all requirements by the published deadlines.

Requirements include MOA Dues, NFHS Concussion in Sport, MHSA Rules Clinic

MOA Requirements and Deadlines

**Deadlines for renewed officials only              

MHSA Rules Clinics

               Fall (Soccer, Football, Volleyball)                 August 1 - August 28, 2024

               Winter (Basketball, Wrestling)                      November 1 - December 4, 2024

               Spring (Softball, Baseball)                            March 1 – March 19, 2025


NFHS Concussion in Sport

June 1st - All officials must take the Concussion requirement no earlier than this

date for 2024-25. No other concussion course will be accepted. 


Due Dates

               Fall (Soccer, Football, Volleyball)               August 28, 2024

                Winter (Basketball, Wrestling)                   December 4, 2024

                Spring (Softball, Baseball)                         March 19, 2025


Exam Dates

               Fall (Soccer, Football, Volleyball)                 August 1 - August 28, 2024

               Winter (Basketball, Wrestling)                      November 1 -  December 4, 2024

               Spring (Softball, Baseball)                            March 1 – March 19, 2025


All upgrades are due to the MOA office 7 days prior to the opening of the testing window.

Upgrading officials will not be eligible to test without submitting a Request to Test Form submitted by the deadline and approved by the MOA office. Forms are available on the MHSA website at MOA Forms.

For all MOA Rules and Regulations go the MHSA website at and click on the MOA section for the current MOA Handbook section. MOA Section - MHSA Website


For additional help contact the MOA Office at 406-442-6010


Master Officials 


-Late Pay Master Official

If a master official pays dues late, they must pay the late fee of $25 and test at the equivalent test score to be eligible. Tests must be completed prior to the  published deadline.

Late Requirement(s) – Master Official

-A master official that does not complete the requirement(s) by the published  deadline will be ineligible for any postseason.

-A master official may reinstate to be eligible for post season by paying a fee of $25 per late requirement and complete the requirement(s) per MOA rules and regulations.                                                                                 

-All fees must be paid on Dragonfly no later than 7 days following fee notification from the MOA office.

-All requirements must be completed, uploaded and approved on Dragonfly prior to participating in any varsity contest. 

-No official may participate in any contest at any level without the NFHS Concussion in Sport

For all MOA Rules and Regulations go the MHSA website at and click on the MOA section for the current MOA Handbook section. MOA Section - MHSA Website


For additional help contact the MOA Office at 406-442-6010



MOA Information and Forms